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Dates for 2020 Annual Meetings

Dear Farm Members,  The Farm's annual meeting is approaching this spring. This year there are two dates to save. In order to give enough time for careful discussion about the farm's budget and future directions, we will separate the Annual Meeting into two parts in mid and late March.  1) Saturday March 14th there will be a Budget and Business Meeting in the evening at Pine Hill School. This will be the "business meeting" for the Four Corners Cooperative. A proposed budget will be circulated some weeks ahead of time, so that at this meeting we can discuss the budget and planning for the year beginning June 1, 2020. In addition, we will need to appoint trustees to the Board for 3-year terms.  At the budget meeting on March 14th there will be a substantive and important discussion about the budget for our upcoming farm year (June 2020 through May 2021) and both your presence and your input would be much appreciated. 2) Saturday March 28th we will hold the Pledge Meeting and Community Potluck in the afternoon and evening - children welcome. With the business taken care of at the earlier meeting, this meeting will move to the social side of our community. It will be focused on celebration and reflection. The only business at this meeting will be a few minutes collecting your pledge information. The pledge meeting on the 28th will be that rarest of occasions - a farm gathering that is mostly social. You will be able to meet with your fellow farm members and the farmers and the greater the attendance the more community building can take place. More details to come in February.  The Board and Farmers

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