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FCC Minutes 11/9/21

November 9th, 2021


Trustees: Brian Drayton, Naomi Schoenfeld, Alice Groh, Barb Healy, Ashley Renwick, Lincoln Geiger, Anthony Graham.

Farmer: Silvano Biffis.

Guest: Tatum Hammer.

Brian opened the meeting with a poem by Robert Frost.


- New compressor needed for the cooler. Total cost could be about $4,000. It will only arrive next week.

- 11th grade helped with various tasks at the farm today as a part of Sarah Griggs’ sustainability block.

- Coliform issues in the latest milk test because the new rules see any number as too high, rather than setting an allowable amount. Perhaps we could give milk customers a membership? Alice will speak to Laura Hartz about this. Lincoln will contact Luke at Brookford about how they handle this issue.

- Ross Hall can begin a one month trial in January.

- Anthony reported on a delivery of vegetables from Brookford Farm, which should allow us to reach far closer to next spring before we run out of storage produce.

New Farmer

A person applied for the position as vegetable grower, but after a zoom meeting between Brian, Ashley, Anthony, and the applicant it was felt that she was the wrong person for the job. She seems to be more interested in education than production agriculture. Brian will write to her and suggest that she get in touch with Lincoln so that she can look at the possibility of working with Wild Rose.

Member Meeting

Brian will open the meeting and be followed by Ashley, Silvano and Lincoln. We will then take questions and comments from members. A reminder email will be sent by Anthony on Wednesday.

We have changed the venue to the hay barn to accommodate more people in an open, airy space.

Brian closed the meeting with another poem from Robert Frost.

Next Meeting – Tuesday 16th at 6pm in the Garden Room.

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