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FCC Board Minutes 9/14/21


Trustees: Brian Drayton, Naomi Schoenfeld, Lincoln Geiger, Alice Groh, Ashley Renwick, Barb Healy, Anthony Graham

Guest: Tatum Hammer

Brian opened the meeting with a poem by Emily Dickinson.

Ted Sartell

Ted sent a letter to the board to thank the farm for being there and especially to thank Benjamin for his help with making Ted’s milk into yogurt. He undertook to pay for a broken piece of machinery in the creamery and since he was not required to pay for the repair he has donated the cost of the repair to the farm. Brian will write to thank him.

Search for New Farmer

It was noted that Silvano should be included in the search for a new vegetable grower in order to ensure that the two of them have a good working relationship.

New Field

Anthony reported that he was able to use the deep harrow in the new field and next week he will plant oats as a cover crop.


Would like to give a presentation on the farm/creamery relationship at our next meeting. This part of the meeting will be an executive session.

New Farmer

If the new farmer lives in the current apprentice apartment where would the apprentices go?

We have two rooms in the trailer and we could have another trailer, along with a central yurt as a living/dining space and kitchen. There could also be some kind of outhouse. The question of funding was raised and one idea was to do a fund raising dinner. Perhaps Michael Zielie could cook? Other possibilities?

We are also investigating a possible relationship with the schools that could provide remission for farmer children. Lincoln will be speaking about this to Richard Emmett, president of the High Mowing Board.

Brian noted that the schools have an ‘enigmatic’ relationship with the farm.

Alice raised the question of whether the farm should provide the schools with food.

Healthcare for the new farmer and all the farmers was brought up. We should look into pooled insurance. Anthony will look at the farm’s current relationship with State Farm and report to Brian.

We need to come up with projected costs of moving the apprentices, farmer salaries, health insurance and education for farmer children.

Brian will draft an ad for the new farmer and send it to us for comment.

Brian closed the meeting with another poem from Emily Dickinson.

Next Meeting – Tuesday 28th September at 7pm in the Garden Room.

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