Dear Farm Members and Friends,
First I want to thank those of you who have been making monthly contributions to the farm to help us pay down the principal on our debt.
In 2018 we were able to reduce the principal by about $4,000 from these monthly contributions!! And a similar amount in 2017.
I also want to encourage more of you to join us in this hopeful endeavor!
It doesn't have to be a lot...if each of us were to contribute $20 per month (the current range is $10-$50) via an automatic bank check (so you don't even have to remember!) the farm could be debt free sooner and then devote the loan payments to improvements and dreams. The earth (and its people) badly needs healing from farms like ours.
In addition to these individual contributions the farm has devoted $1500 per month to the pay down of the principal, as well as making the regular monthly loan payments. The guaranteed loans we have from members and friends, which we used to buy the farm, was for 10 years. We are already in year 3 and our goal is to pay off the loan at maturity. This will take some work and I hope you will consider joining us in making it happen. It's one of those time where 'many hands result in a debt free farm!'
Of course you can also make a one time donation, which will be gratefully accepted!
The donations are tax deductible if you write your check to GEO, our 501C3 partner, and send it care of Glynn Graham, 608 Abbot Hill Rd, Wilton NH 03086.
I will send a tax acknowledgment at the end of the year.
It would be helpful too if you could respond to this email to let me know what to expect! My address is
Thank you, and here's to a bountiful 2019!