** Thursday, June 27, 2019 **
Friends of the Farm invites you to an OPEN-TO-ALL meeting!
( Continuation of last meeting, at a different time so others may attend.)
Details and contact information below.
Wondering how Friends of the Farm decides which activities to sponsor?
Wondering how you can influence those decisions?
Join us as we plan our goals for this season!
Thursday, June 27, 2019
4:30pm - 6:00pm
Location: Donna Riley’s house: 8 Cross Rd, Amherst NH 03031
Please RSVP (so we know how many chairs to provide) to: Donna Riley, djrjourney@gmail.com 603-546-5737
“Farming has always been community work, with families coming together to share the labor and the harvest. New Englanders of past generations gathered for work "bees", celebrations of shared community and the power of many hands. Whether a haying bee, a barn raising bee, or a potato harvest bee, neighbors came to aid each other and to feast and celebrate at the end of a day's work-- a work party, in our modern language. The harvest is the highpoint of the season, a time of bounty, but for the farmer it is also the end of a many months' labor, and the energy of a buzzing crowd of worker bees carries the year to a strong and spirited finish.”
FOTF is hosting a “bee” meeting for all members!
Purpose of Friends of the Farm (FOTF):
To encourage community among the Four Corners Cooperative family. Examples include; organizing festivals, community dinners, work projects, fundraising, meals for farmers, recipes, classes, cooking groups, etc.
To encourage the spirit (philosophy) of the original farm organism as we move into the future. This includes and is not limited to: Biodynamics, farm members pledging to support our entire farm organism, (thus, separating money from the purchasing of food), and farm members gifting time, talents and treasure to support the farm organism.